Friday, August 8, 2008


Well let's we are 6 days into the pool party shape up and though I have diligent about my workouts my eating habits are in the toliet. I really have nothing to blame but boredum. And exactly WHY am I bored? It's not like there isn't anything to do around here...I am tied to my computer trying to get my editing career going. If only I was born with the physical traits of the a Playboy bunny. Funny how things look different when you think about that lifestyle. Well you take what you are given so I will just have to deal with it...I need to get my eating habits reined in...that's that.

So stay true to my workouts...rein in the eating habits and I should be home free by the time we close on our house...but I am going to have to stick to it. My sister has started becoming Miss Hot again and we know that I don't want to be second best let's get to it.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Time again...the beginning

Let's see...I have inflammatory arthritis so that has had me on my butt for several months now. However, I didn't start gaining all this flab until recently..the past 3-4 days my shorts are tighter and I don't feel comfortable in my size s shirts. SO let's try it again...there's pretty much 30 days until Dan and I move into our new home...with a killer pool. So I am going to get my fitness and diet back on track. I don't want to have this bloated feeling anymore, I want to feel comfortable and sexy again.

Things I HAVE to keep in mind...FOOD IS FUEL...don't eat unless I'm HUNGRY....

I have a feeling we are going to want to go to the Keys this fall so I want to be sure I am ready. I don't want people to feel sorry for me because I've gained weight. So let's get er done. I am starting to write my workouts down and I just need to continue that.

Start walking..there's a huge run way or this gravel roads that I could take advantage of. Do something besides sit all day...make sure my portion sizes are SMALL. No chocolate milk, no sweet stuff, no bread - lay off the carbs! I've got to get back to protein and veggies. Sounds like my medication is going to be around for a while so I need to make sure I am eating right.

So this is the beginning...again and this time I am going to achieve. I don't want to let myself down again. So today is August 2, 2008 and by September 2, 2008 I want to be sure that I am at my goal weight...what is my goal weight? reason I can't do it...I've done it before.

Give me good vibes!